Kasol (a mini Israel of India)

                                                   Kasol, Himachal Pradesh

Kasol, Himachal Pradesh

 A mini Israel because it is inhabited mostly by tourists from Israel, 
It perfectly balances modernity with tradition.

We were off to explore mini Israel and the first thing I have seen was this beautiful ice-coated mountain shining like gold at the sunset that exact precious capture is so tempting. Nearby the flea market has everything that a hippie backpacker is looking for!! You can't come to Kasol and not try the steaming hot Momos. And if offbeat wilderness riverside camping is in your bucket list then the woods of Kasol is a perfect place to try it out in, a short walk away from the main town, setting the camp near the river and amidst pine tree is an experience that money cant buy. With the sound of the flowing river, fresh cold wind and a bonfire, it was altogether a different experience for me.πŸ₯°
Kasol. Stoners paradise, they say.but it is not only for stoners its a place for a person who likes to explore and get lost in the mountains. Its a place for dreamers.


The New Thinker said…
Amazing postπŸ˜„πŸ™ƒ
Ajit said…
Awsm blog , It will help to make plan . πŸ˜ƒ
Thank you so much 😊😊
Thank you dear 😊😊
Unknown said…
Nice Blog , Keep it up. It will definitely help those people who want to go Himachal Pradesh for vacation.
Abhishek said…
Nice blogπŸ‘
Unknown said…
This blog makes me feel
I need 6 months of vacation, twice a year.

Unknown said…
Nice blog, keep it up
Anonymous said…
Really nice
helllooo said…
I had never heard about mini Israel before...good infoπŸ‘Œ
Thanks dear 😊😊
Go enjoy your time man..πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ and thanks for the comment πŸ˜„
Thanks a bunch 😊
thank you so much 😊😊

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